Hybrid event on the situation at the platinum mine in Marikana, South Africa
Launch of the study “Waiting for justice. 10 years after the massacre in Marikana”
Thursday, November 24, 2022 | 3 – 5 p.m., Bread for the World Berlin
Registration: Please click here
Ten years ago, on 16 August 2012, South African security forces killed 34 striking workers at the Marikana platinum mine of the mining company Lonmin (now Sibanye-Stillwater), 78 workers were injured, some seriously. The massacre left a deep wound in the South African society ‒ with victims and relatives still waiting for justice.
A current study commissioned by Bread for the World, based on interviews with people from the affected communities, shows that the working and living conditions in Marikana, which were the reason for the strike 10 years ago, have hardly improved since then ‒ in some cases the situation has even worsened. Neither the mininge company nor the South African state have contributed sufficiently to the improvement.
This brings the companies that profit from platinum mining more into focus: at the beginning of next year, the Supply Chain Act will come into force in Germany. The German chemical company BASF, as one of the main buyers of platinum from the Marikana mine, will thus be obliged to take remedial action.
On the occasion of this year’s 10th commemoration of the Marikana massacre, we would like to discuss with the authors of the study and representatives from civil society, politics and business at the event ”Im Brennpunkt“: How has BASF fulfilled its responsibility in the supply chain over the last 10 years? What influence can politics and current legislation (especially the Supply Chain Act) have? What are the obstacles ‒ and what are the solutions?
Depending on the current Covid 19 regulation, the event will be followed by a small snack and the opportunity for in-depth discussions. Digital participation is also possible.
Helle Dossing, Head of Africa Department, Brot für die Welt
Presentation of the study ”Waiting for Justice. A decade after the
Marikana massacre“.
Dr. Asanda Benya/Dr. Crispen Chinguno, Sociologists from South Africa,
Authors of the study (digital)
Panel discussion moderated by Caspar Dohmen with:
Dr. Asanda Benya/Dr. Crispen Chinguno, Sociologists from South Africa,
Authors of the study (digital)
N.N. BMAS or BMZ (tbc)
Thorsten Pinkepank, Director Corporate Sustainability Relations, BASF
Maren Leifker, Policy Advisor for Business and Human Rights, Brot für die Welt