A small selection of issue-specific texts
– Alexander, Peter / Lekgowa, Thapelo/ Mmope, Botsang / Sinwell, Luke. Marikana. A View from the Mountain and a Case to Answer. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2012; Deutsche version: Das Massaker von Marikana, Wiederstand und Unterdrückung von Arbeiter_innen in Südafrika, ed. Jakob Krameritsch. Wien: Mandelbaum, kritik & utopie, 2013.
– AK Rohstoffe/Anil Shah. Verantwortung entlang der Lieferkette im Rohstoffsektor! Warum verbindliche menschenrechtliche Sorgfaltspflichten notwendig und machbar sind – Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Argumenten seitens der deutschen Industrie. Berlin 2015.
– Ashman, Samantha. “The South African economy: The mineral-energy-finance complex redubbed?” In: Gilbert Khadigiagala/Prishani Naidoo/Devan Pillay/Roger Southall: New South African Review 5. Beyond Marikana, Johannesburg 2015. S. 67-84.
– Bell, Terry; Ntsebeza, Dumisa. Unfinished Business: South Africa, apartheid and truth. London and New York 2003.
– Benya, Asanda. „Absent from the Frontline but not Absent from the Struggle: Women in Mining“, Femina Politica, 01/2013. 144-147.
– Benya, Asanda. „The invisible hands: Women in Marikana“. In: Review of African Political Economy, 04/2015.
– Biko, Steve. Let’s talk about Bantustans in: Id.: I write what I like, ed. by Aelred Stubbs, original: Oxford 1978, Cape Town: Jacana, 2012, 79-86.
– Bowman, Andrew / Isaacs, Gilad. Demanding the Impossible? Platinum Mining Profits and Wage Demands in Context. Research on Money and Finance. Occasional Policy Papers.
– Chinguno, Crispen. Marikana and the post-apartheid workplace order. Johannesburg: Sociology, Work and Development Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2013.
– Duncan, Jane. “South African journalism and the Marikana massacre: A case study of an editorial failure” in: The Political Economy of Communication 1/2 (2013)
– Fanon, Frantz. The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Press 1963.
– Forslund, Dirk. Coping with Unsustainability. October 2013. Bench Marks Policy Gap 7 (Lonmin).
– Frankel, Philip. Between the Rainbows and the Rain. Marikana, Migration, Mining and the crisis of Modern South Africa, 2013.
– Jephson, Georgina. “Silicosis: The hidden Legacy of gold mining in South Africa”. In: In Good Company. Conversations around Transparency and Accountability on South Africa’s Extractive Sector. (Hg. Open Society Foundation For South Africa. Cape Town 2015.
– Heads of the Argument of Evidence Leader (Endbericht der Leiter der Beweisführung), 27. October 2014.
– KASA (ed.). Zeit zum Umdenken: Rohstoffe im Südlichen Afrika. Der natürliche Reichtum der Region muss endlich der Bevölkerung zugutekommen. Heidelberg 2014. www.kasa.de
– KASA (ed.). Wir werden uns Gehör verschaffen! Die Witwen von Marikana kämpfen für Gerechtigkeit und Wiedergutmachung. Heidelberg 2014. www.kasa.de
– Khulumani Support Group (ed.). Justice, redress & restitution. Voices of Widows of the Marikana Massacre, Johannesburg 2013. www.khulumani.net
– Krameritsch, Jakob. „Aus der Distanz schwer möglich“. BASF, Lonmin und das Marikana-Massaker. In: Afrika Süd. Zeitschrift zum südlichen Afrika. Mai/Juni 2015.
– Krameritsch, Jakob. “From Commission to Commission. Social Movements vs. Institutionalized Forms of Reconciliation in Post-Apartheid South Africa”. In: Suzana Milevska (Ed.): On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency. Berlin 2015.
– Marinovich Greg. Murder at Small Koppie. The Real Story of the Marikana Massacre, Johannesburg 2016.
– Marinovich, Greg. The murder fields of Marikana. The cold murder fields of Marikana: Daily Maverick, 8. September 2012.
– Mbembe, Achille. Whiteness without apartheid: the limits of racial freedom (2007).
– Moeti, Koketso. Before Marikana, there was the deadly SASOL strike. in: Daily Maverick, 22. October 2014.
– Morgenrath, Birgit / Wellmer, Gottfreid. Deutsches Kapital am Kap. Kollaboration mit dem Apartheidregime. Hamburg: Nautilus, 2003.
– Msimang, Sisonke. On Truth & Reconciliation: Let’s begin with the simple complicated truth In: Daily Maverick, December 2013.
– Ntsebeza, Dumisa. The Marikana Commission: Sacrifice of the Great Unwashed, 20 August 2015, University of Cape Town.
– Sauer, Walter / Zeschin, Theresia (Ed.). Die Apartheid-Connection. Österreichs Bedeutung für Südafrika. Wien: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, 1984.
– Saul, John S. / Bond, Patrick. South Africa – The Present as History. From Mrs. Ples to Mandela & Marikana. Johannesburg: Jacana, 2014.
– Seidman, Judy; Bonase, Nomarussia (Khulumani Support Group). We have to talk, we need changes. Voices from Platinum Belt. Mine Workers and Worker Communities, Johannesburg 2015.
– Terreblanche, Sampie. Lost in Transformation. South Africa’s Search for a New Future Since 1986. Johannesburg 2012.
– Sonti, Primrose; Ngwane, Trevor. “The Massacre Underlines the Wrongness of the Situation. Sequences of interviews of Jakob Krameritsch with (about their work) in the wake of the Marikana massacre“. In: Suzana Milevska (Ed.): On Productive Shame, Reconciliation and Agency. Berlin 2015.
– Vollenhoven, Sylvia. “The Real Price of Platinum. Squalor in the Shadow of Immense Wealth”. in: Bench Marks Foundation, Marikana 2 years after: www.bench-marks.org.za
Wilson, Stuart. Judge Farlam’s Accidental Massacre. In: Daily Maverick, 26 June 2015.