Exhibition Opening: 20 April 2016
Agnes Makopano Thelejane (Photo: Thomas Reimer / ÖGB)
Ntombizolile Mosebetsane (Photo: basflonmin.com)
Agnes Makopane Thelejane, NomaRussia Bonase is translating (Photo: basflonmin.com)
Thelejane, Bonase, Mosebetsane (Photo: basflonmin.com)
Bishof Jo Seoka Opening speech, in the background also Judy Seidman (Photo: Thomas Reimer / ÖGB)
Simone Knapp, KASA (Photo: basflonmin.com)
Sabine Letz, chair of VÖGB (Photo: Thomas Reimer / ÖGB)
(Photo: basflonmin.com)
(Photo: basflonmin.com)
2nd entrance: Art that speaks (Photo: basflonmin.com)
PLOUGH BACK THE FRUITS (Photo: basflonmin.com)
NomaRussia Bonase in the centre (Photo: basflonmin.com)
Viva! The Spirit of the Marikana Widows, Viva! (Foto: basflonmin.com)
Discussion panel, Denkerei, Berlin, 21 April 2015
f.r.t.l.: Michael Windfuhr (moderation, Deutsches Institut für Menschenrechte), Sarah Lincoln (Brot für die Welt), Thorsten Pinkepank (BASF), Maren Grimm (Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien), Jens Wagner (Menschenrechtsreferat, Auswärtiges Amt), Niema Movassat (MdB, DIE LINKE), Jo Seoka (Bench Marks Foundation). To the audio of the panel.
Reception at the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Berlin, 25 April 2016
Miriam Saage-Maaß (Vice Director of ECCHR) and ECCHR-trainees in conversation with the South African delegation (Foto: Maren Grimm)
Miriam Saage-Maaß (Vice Director of ECCHR) and ECCHR-trainees in conversation with the South African delegation (Foto: Maren Grimm)
Zug And Zürich, 26 April 2016
Letterbox: BASF (and Englehard) Metals GmbH, Grafenauweg 6, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
Barbara Müller (KEESA) is explaining the Memorandum to BASF Metals in Zug.
Agnes Makopano Thelejane
Andreas Lustenberger (President: Alternative Green Party, Zug) and Barbara Müller submitting the memorandum…
… supported by the the South African delegation.
Discussion Panel At the Shedhalle Zürich
Discussion panel at the Shedhalle Zürich.
Discussion panel at the Shedhalle Zürich.
Discussion panel at the Shedhalle Zürich.
Discussion panel at the Shedhalle Zürich.
Along the value chain: South African platinum in the German Industry. The connection between BASF and the Marikana Massacre. Mannheim, 27. April 2016
(all Photos: basflonmin.com)
Thomas Löffler, Economic- and Social Pastor, Social Welfare Delegate, is giving the welcome speech.
Panel 1 with Mosebetsane, Seidman, Knapp
Panel 1 with Krameritsch, Thelejane, Bonase, Mosebetsane, Seidman, Knapp
Panel 2: With Markus Dufner (Kritische Aktionäre Deutschland), Maren Grimm und Christian Wimberger (Christliche Initiate Romero)
Panel 2 with Dufner, Grimm, Wimberger
BASF-AGM, 29 April 2016
Ntombizolile Mosebetsane, Simone Knapp (KASA), Agnes Makopano Thelejane
Ntombizolile Mosebetsane, Simone Knapp (is translating the speech of the Marikana Widows)
Agnes Makopano Thelejane
Boniface Mabanza, KASA (is translating the speech of Bishop Jo Seoka)
Markus Dufner, Ethical Shareholder Germany, is submitting two petitions
Maren Grimm, Jürgen Hambrecht (BASF Board), Jakob Krameritsch