ntombi_agnes_simonef.r.t.l: Ntombizolile Mosebetsane, Simone Knapp (KASA), and Agnes Makopano Thelejane, BASF AGM, Mannheim, 29. April 2016

COUNTER MOTION of the Ethical Shareholder Germany
submitted by the Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre Deutschlands, zur BASF Hauptversammlung, 29. April 2016, Mannheim: als pdf.

Speeches at the AGM of BASF, 29 April 2016:
Bishop Jo Seoka: Original Speech in English (as pdf)
Ntombizolile Mosebetsane and Agnes Makopano Thelejane: Original Speech in English (as pdf)
Maren Grimm and Jakob Krameritsch: Original Speech in German (as pdf)

See press reports about it.

BASF AGM 2015 and reactions on the speech of Bischop Jo Seoka see Archive.