Press Release Plough Back the Fruits Campaign, 14 May 2017:
Social Responsibility? BASF is losing its credibility. At the Annual General Meeting of BASF, the main customer of Lonmin, Mathunjwa, Seoka and the injured worker Mzoxolo Magidiwana captured the German audience’ s attention.
The Speeches of the South African Delegation At the BASF-AGM, 12 MaY 2017 in Mannheim, Germany:
The speech of Mzoxolo Magidwana, a 29year old mine worker, who was severly injured on the 16. August 2012. In his speech he is asking for a life in dignity.
The speech of Joseph Mathunjwa, President of the AMCU.
The speech of Bishop Jo Seoka, chair of the Bench Marks Foundation.
Mzoxolo Magidwana at the BASF AGM, 12 May 2017, Rosengarten in Mannheim/Germany
The President of the AMCU, Joseph Mathunjwa at the BASF AGM, 12 May 2017, Rosengarten in Mannheim/Germany
Bishop Jo Seoka at the BASF AGM, 12 May 2017, Rosengarten in Mannheim/Germany
The Marikana massacre, supply chain IRresponsibility, tax avoidance and the increased frequency of incidents with deadly results.
To draw a balance in the fifth year after the massacre of Marikana: Nothing has changed! Workers, digging out the world’s most precious metal, are still living in slums. Up to now, no reparations were paid to the relatives of the killed and injured mine workers.
BASF is not taking its own oft-touted claim of a “responsibility along the supply chain” – lip services are to less and misleading. As a first sign of the implementation of its promises with regard to responsibility along the supply chain, BASF should set up a solidarity-fund with €0.5 million for each of the 44 people who died in August 2012 as well as support for the injured and give this money to the people directly affected (a total of €25 million). Compared to BASF purchases from LONMIN (€650 million in 2015), this is a small amount.
Read here the Countermotions from Dachverband der Kritischen Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre (Association of Ethical Shareholders Germany) for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of BASF SE on May 12, 2017
10 May 2017, 7:30 pm
Haus der Evangelischen Kirche, M1, 2 Mannheim, Germany
with: Joseph Mathunjwa, AMCU-President (Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union, South Africa); Bishop Jo Seoka, Bench Marks Foundation, Johannesburg; Mzoxolo Madigwana, mine worker in Marikana, injured at the Marikana massacre; Stefan Rebmann, MP, Jakob Kramertisch, Plough back the fruits
organized by the PlOUGH BACK THE FRUITS-network:
ATTAC LU/MA, KASA, KDA Mannheim, Dachverband Kritischer AktionärInnen